Sunday, April 26, 2009

Airplane miracles

So, I'm back in Texas. School and finals are over (Thank goodness), so maybe I can have free time again. I am just glad to be done with moving and traveling. Moving is such a pain. It always ends up being rushed, and you always, always (!) end up forgetting or losing something. This year that something is my makeup bag. I have no idea where it went. I got upset about it for awhile, but my Mom took pity on me and offered to replenish my supplies. It's sad how dependent I am on that stuff! Anyways other than that the move went fairly well. My aunt and Jamie had to help me cram everything in at the last minute, but it all worked out.We fit everything in my Aunt's car and managed to make it back to her neighborhood in time to make it to her Zumba exercise class.

I also experienced an airplane miracle. In both my flights (I had a layover in Pheonix) I managed to snag window seats AND nobody sat next to me. This has never happened to me before. I am usually on extremely full flights populated by noisy children. It was nice to stretch out and relax. Then there was a big storm and we had to circle for a while. They were just about to send us to another airport (most likely Dallas) to wait out the mess, when the sky cleared and we were cleared for landing. It was amazing! Plus by the time we got my luggage most of the street flooding had drained, so the roads were easier to navigate.

Anyways I am just glad to be home. I have a week to catch my breath and then it is time to start work! FMC here I come.

Currently missing: Roommates
Currently rediscovering: Cooking!

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