Friday, April 2, 2010

Student Film Screenings

So this semester the student film association (SFA) started doing screenings of student work. My friend Caity's husband, Bradley, is one of the SFA council members. The one I went to tonight was the third one of the semester and they've all been fun to watch. They show films of all different types and lengths ( the longest ones are usually 15-20 min.). The commercials are especially funny. This was the first semester they've done screenings; hopefully they'll keep doing them next semester.

Here are some of my favorites:

Richard and the Bats
by Judy Simmons (3:37)
This is a super cute stop motion film about the day in the life of one frustrated little kindergartner with a crush on his teacher. People liked it so much they showed it at two screenings.

Inspection by Brad Hall (0:60)
This one is a short, but very clever commercial.

My Amazing Script by Phillip Goodwin (9:56)
This film kind of parodies the typical student film maker. It's all about how everyone thinks their work is always so "original" or "avant-garde". They have dramatic moments, big tears, and "edgy" dialogue, lol. Btw...Bradley helped make it and is in the last scene.

Clean Break
by Chas Kelly (15:31)
This is one of my favorite documentaries that they screened. I'm just going to use the Vimeo summary for this one: "It is a documentary about a young man of the LDS faith booked in the county jail for some serious misdeeds. While incarcerated, he goes through a journey of self discovery as he serves out his sentence and prepares for his release."

The Magic of Taxidermy by Caity Wasden Cummings. (4:55)
This is a documentary on taxidermy that Caity made for one of her film classes. Don't be scared away by the initial screen shot! She does show some of the less, um, appealing (?) parts of taxidermy, but there are plenty of shots with no dead animals. I promise. Plus the interviews she does are pretty fun. I got to see this film in little bits and pieces as she was making it so it was great to see it all together :)


P.S. I survived April Fools without getting pranked!

Currently: Psyched for General Conference


  1. I have been using your blog with my students. They love the pictures of the color festival. Also showed my students who are studying Shakespeare your entry about the play you went to. Trying to get them excited about writing, lietrature etc. Thanks for your help.

  2. I'm glad they like my posts! Thanks for reading! Just out of curiosity are you someone I know, or are you a new-found blog friend?
