Friday, November 12, 2010

Movies That Stick With You

So my friend tagged me in one of those Facebook notes where they write a list, then you write a list, etc. Well instead of making a note, I decided to put it up here. Here's the original fb post/instructions:

The rules: Don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen films you’ve seen that will always stick with you. List the first fifteen you can recall in no more than fifteen minutes. Tag fifteen friends, including me, because I’m interested in seeing what films my friends choose.

So ignore the tagging part. Also I didn't read all the "instructions" so I def. cheated on the whole 15 minute time limit thing. Oh well. But I like making lists, so I am still posting it. Just so you know, these aren't in any particular order.

1. Some Kind of Wonderful
2. Girls Just Want to Have Fun
3. Say Anything
4. Sabrina
5. Yentl
6. Stardust
7. Goonies
8. Chocolat
9.The Chorus
11.While You Were Sleeping
12.Where The Heart Is
13.About a Boy
14.The Little Mermaid
15.Swan Princess

Oh man, I wish this list was classier, or a little bit more Oscar worthy. But strong impressions are strong impressions right? Isn't it funny how strongest impression does not necessarily equal cinematic masterpiece? At least if you're me. My friend who did this first actually had a really impressive list of movies, but this was hard for me to put together. My list of best movies of all time would probably look different. Honestly if you asked me this two days ago or tomorrow the list would probably be different. Fun experiment though :)

I'd love to hear other people's movies that "stuck" with them. No need to be shy, I mean Clueless came *this* close to making my 15 (other runner ups: Mean Girls, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Labyrinth; I quote these soo much!).

Currently watching: Pushing Daisies (I know, I know, I'm like 3 weeks behind on Glee and I'm watching old shows on Netflix Instant...) and Community (2nd season's been a little disappointing to me, but I really liked this week's show)


  1. sounds fun! k ill do it in 15 minutes off the top of my head:

    1.) The Lion King
    2.) Les Miserables
    3.) Amadeus
    4.) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
    5.) Of Mice and Men
    6.) Empire of the Rising Sun
    7.) Young Victoria
    8.) Up
    9.) How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the Jim Carrey one)
    10.) A Christmas Carol (Disney Version)
    11.) Zoolander
    12.) Pirates of the Caribbean, the Curse of the Black Pearl
    13.) Ace Ventura, When Nature Calls
    14.) Mary Poppins
    15.) A Knight's Tale

    Wow that was fun! I like impulsive lists! You should try doing it with novels next!

  2. haha you are such a girly!

    Also, "At least if /your/ me"????
    Amelia, edit this post at once! :P


  3. Jess, you have no idea how much that upsets me. Post edited!!!!
