Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Adventures in Metro Riding

It's weird that I haven't even been here a week yet. It feels like so much longer than that. I have moved in with my host family and they are so nice! My host mom is always helping me with my french and feeding me delicious things. This morning she gave me cereal that was basically chocolate puffs with nutella inside. I seriously don't understand why this does not exist in the United States.

I love the area we live in. The apartment is just a couple of metro stops from the Arc de Triumph. We also live next to an amazing park. Our host mom took us there on our first day, and it is gorgeous. It's also a great place to people watch. We saw a wedding party there that day. We watched the bride walk by smoking a cigarette as her friends held her dress up, lol. There were also children going around on horses. Of course, there are also a ton of people just jogging or walking their dogs. That is one thing I love about Paris, so many people love their dogs. They bring them everywhere (in stores, on the metro...).

Our apartment is really close to our metro stop and the metro is really easy to use(And this is coming from the queen of the directionally challenged). I love not needing a car. Although it can get kind of crowded, lol. My first day in the city I was in a metro car on the edge of a crowd all hanging on to the same bar for support, so I decided to grab the bar on my other side instead. But just as I moved my hand the metro started, and I fell back a little, tripped over someone's foot and fell in a some poor guy's lap(He was off in his own world listening to music on his headphones so he never even saw me coming.). Luckily this is the ONLY time this has happened to me and hopefully it will never happen again. At least I got embarrassing myself in public out of the way the first day here:)

Me eating my first real french eclair.

Currently: Eating Cheese


  1. AHH MIMI your hair is SOO cute!!! And it sounds like you're having so much fun already:) Love you!

  2. Sounds like you are on your way to being totally at home in paris! Keep us all posted! PS I've fallen into people's labs on the metro before too :)

  3. I am so excited for you and your advntures. And very jealous of your yummy eclair!

  4. Sounds like Lizzy made it to paris, lolx. MISS YOU! I'm with you in spirit BELIEVE ME. :D
    P.S. You look hawt.

  5. haha, that must have been very funny to watch, falling in some guys lap on the metro, especially one of thos epeople off on their own world. Paris is definetely a unique place, it was always a stop betwen destinations and every time i was there it sort of grows more and more on you
    - Alfredo
