Wednesday, October 28, 2009


From a sleepy countryside village...

To a quaint little town...

Which is traded for something that is more city chic...

And then replaced with something refreshingly modern...

Slowly transforming into uniquely urban...

Followed by lovely potential that is soon to be remodeled....

Quickly becoming a bit neglected...

Or all together forgotten.

So that was my photo assignment for last week. I got way more into this one. The theme was architecture. I'm super excited for this week's theme: Food.

Currently: happy that I talked myself into buying my new scarf


  1. love your pictures. And i want to see this scarf!

  2. Wow, what a progression. Mimi, you're seriously tallented. Not only are the pictures amazing (angle, lighting, everything!), but they have such a feeling behind them!
