Monday, September 20, 2010

Cake Decorating Class

Gabby and I started our cake class this month. We made our first cakes this week. Gabby did a BYU cake and I did a double rainbow cake. Anyway even though I'm definitely NOT a professional, I thought things went well for my first attempt at cake decorating ever.

Gabby baking her cake.

Gabby's awesome BYU cake!

My double rainbow cake... not perfect but I had fun making it.

As you can see, I only know one technique right now... the star tip. Oh and I made the cake with a rainbow confetti mix, you know, to keep with the theme and all.

Oh and just in case you haven't seen the double rainbow video, it's just a guy freaking out over a double rainbow... in a hilarious way. You don't have to watch the whole video to understand it (I never do).

And just in case you have seen the original video, here is the KFC/TacoBell remake. Lars showed this to us the other day and we could not stop laughing.

Currently Reading: lots of picture books for my adolescent lit. class, oh and I finally read Hunger Games!

1 comment:

  1. YUMM!I have always wanted to take cake decorating classes. So, I am a bit jealous. Seems like so much fun.
