Saturday, September 25, 2010

Adventures in Cupcakes

Last week we did cupcakes instead of cake to practice decorating. Gabby and I made chocolate cupcakes. Half of them had raspberry filling, the other half had whip cream. We didn't pick a theme or anything. We just tried to practice the techniques we learned in class. Plus we tried to frost 10 each when we were really supposed to do 6 each so there were a lot of cupcakes to frost in a little amount of time.

Gabby adding the final touch to this dotted cupcake.

You'll notice the one on the left has a lot going on. That's because I basically tried to do almost everything we learned on one cupcake. It kind of turned into a frosting fiesta, lol. Oh and look at Gabby's cool pom pom flower on the bottom left corner of the picture on the right.

I don't know why, but this was my favorite one that I made.

The one on the left is me practicing flowers, the one on the right is me practicing being ugly. jk, but seriously I don't know why I made a cupcake that looks like it has green peas all over it!

This was my favorite of Gabby's cupcakes. The flowers all bunched up together look really interesting.

Currently anticipating: Glee!
Currently reading: Gary Schmidt books


  1. Mimi,
    I love the cupcakes! But I'm most interested in the YA lit class you're taking. I have some recommendations for you.

    Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson
    The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z by ?
    The Liberation of Gabriel King by G. L. Going
    Wild Girls by Pat Murphy

    Oh, I could go on and one, but I'll stop for now.
    Who teaches your class? Please share any cool stuff with me. Can you believe that I've never taken an adolescent lit class? Although I was asked to teach it one summer at St. Thomas in Houston, but it was the summer we moved to Seattle.

  2. Does this mean you and Gabby want to make Leslie's birthday cake? Or maybe offer your assistance if you have time.

  3. @Ramona thanks for the suggestions!

    @Kimberly Heck yes!!!!! I'd love to help with Leslie's cake :) :)
