Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Dream" Boys, Sumo Wrestling, and Gold Coins

Ah, so here is My Last BYU Winter Semester AKA Things I Didn't Have Time to Blog About Part 2

A lot of this is pretty recent (the last two weeks or so). Why does so much always happen just as finals and final projects are due? lol

One night (way before final study time sucked away all our time) Katie, Emily, and some friends all played the classic board game Dream Phone. It's an apartment favorite.

"He looks cool in whatever he wears, but he's not wearing yellow." Oh Dream Phone!

Me and Emily with the Dream Phone listening to a clue! Katie actually beat both of us and won the game that night!

My ward recently had its closing social. For the first time EVER I am staying in Provo for the summer so its strange to see everyone leaving and not trying to frantically pack up my room during finals (I'm very grateful for the last part). At the social things ended up being unseasonably blustery and cold (Utah weather! It snowed this week!), but we still had a lot of fun. Katie even put on one of the Sumo suits! Go Katie!

Katie also went with me to an art show called Standing in Reserve (done in connection with CUAC). It was in an old building just down the street from my house (I found out about it from one of the TAs in my art history class who was actually in charge of the whole thing). It focused on technology. There were a lot of interesting pieces there. Katie and I particularly liked this interactive exhibit they had where they put you in a video game setting and you collected gold coins (I'm not sure how they did this, maybe one of those Kinect things?).

My family went to see the Taylor Andrews hair show last week. The theme was women in music. Elizabeth worked on the Pink section. It was so fun! And we got to see some of our favorite people: Elizabeth and her dad, Sam.

Elizabeth made that hair piece!!!! Isn't she talented?!

Despite the business and craziness it was a great semester! I hope Spring and Summer terms will be just as good :)

Currently: full from all the crepes I ate this morning, yum

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