We also stopped at this canyon, which was breathtaking ( we never made it out to the Grand Canyon). Everyone jumped out of the car and we had an impromptu photo session (ok maybe not impromptu seeing as the cameras started clicking whenever we left the car, but honestly everything was so pretty...)and then we all good scream into the canyon (and it screamed back).
We eventually made it there, where we discovered that the Mesa motel industry is controlled by a small Indian faction ( and no I do not mean Native Americans, if that it was I meant I would have said it). Mesa has an unhealthy amount of hotels and motels to chose from, but we ended up at the Starlite motel. It's most persuasive feature was probably the flashing neon sign of a girl diving; apparently Pasha has always seen that sign and wanted to go in, lol. As wonderfully classy as the Starlite motel sign was I actually never slept there. I ended up going to my cousins' apartment and spending the night at their place. I hadn't seen them in forever, so it was nice to see them even if I was half asleep the whole time.
The next morning we were back on the road. We ended up listening to country music, even though none of us are really big country music fans; it just seemed to fit. Granted alot of it was more on the pop crossover side, but it was country none the less. We also listened to Harry Potter on tape. I kept falling asleep so I only heard one chapter; I am not very good with audio books. Lara however loves them. One summer she listened to 2 or 3 of the Harry Potter books in a row. She now claims that Jim Dale narrates her life.
Anyways we finally made it back to Provo, safe and sound. It was basically amazing. There was so much more: picnics, jumping photo shoots, McFlurrys, failed surprises, High School Musical Fruit Snacks, the disease game, In-N-Out Burger, citrus trees, mash, and QT. I wish I could have told every little detail of this trip, but then this post would have been twice as long.
Currently reading: All the King's Men
Currently listening to: Love Story, Taylor Swift
I am jealous! I love road trips!